Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Im not Dead
Just to let you all know i aint dead, just not had time or energy to play any poker at the minute, but think i may start over the christmas period and the new year!
Thursday, 6 December 2007
$50 Rebuy Jew Bag Shite Mansion
Was playing in the Mansion $50 rebuy for a mate who couldnt play so i played instead.
Things started off awesome had AA vs KK all in pre flop and they held for once! the guy re buys twice, we are both upto 5k in chips
Few hands later, QQ, early raise to 100 i re raise to 400 two callers, flop 7 4 4 i figure neither have a 4 so i slam, didnt put them on over pairs as they would have re raised me pre flop. One guy folds other calls showing 5 5, i was like WTF!!! until the turn comes 8 and the river 6 wp moron runner runner fucking straight,
Now i know why i left the shit bag site Mansion its so so sick on there
Things started off awesome had AA vs KK all in pre flop and they held for once! the guy re buys twice, we are both upto 5k in chips
Few hands later, QQ, early raise to 100 i re raise to 400 two callers, flop 7 4 4 i figure neither have a 4 so i slam, didnt put them on over pairs as they would have re raised me pre flop. One guy folds other calls showing 5 5, i was like WTF!!! until the turn comes 8 and the river 6 wp moron runner runner fucking straight,
Now i know why i left the shit bag site Mansion its so so sick on there
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
First Pokes in Ages

Played abit tonight stuck £20 on and thought id see how i went, first hand lost $20 and thought it was going to be one of those nights. Then there was this hand which was nice for it to hold up for a change.
Then went card dead for a while, and then out of nowhere flopped a monster, not really sure about my call pre flop to be honest, but after sitting with him i figured i was live to Diams, judge for yourselves.
Then i flopped this monster, thought i played it well for once, what do you all think? Quads
Ended up on £101 not a bad effort for a couple of hours work. Just wish every night was like that!
Sunday, 2 December 2007
Lack of Poker
Not played much poker to be hoenst apart from the weekly trip to Rileys which was eventful to say the least.
But nah the main reason is i popped the question to the missus friday night, so ive been saving and went and bought the ring Friday lunch time, good job she said yes or id have looked a rite twat.
Anyways just a quick post
Catch you all later
But nah the main reason is i popped the question to the missus friday night, so ive been saving and went and bought the ring Friday lunch time, good job she said yes or id have looked a rite twat.
Anyways just a quick post
Catch you all later
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
High stakes Hands
Is it me or am i missing somthing here, just been watching a few hands of $25 - $50 NL hold em and all i can say is damn these people are retarded.
Just seen a bloke push with Ah9h on board 7s 8s 9s 10h kd to be called by Jh 9d that was for a $4000 pot.
Then the next one for me was an easy laydown, flop comes 7 Q 2 guy bets pot of $125 another raises to $500 original better re pops to $2000 guy goes back over the top for remaining $768, now am i missing somthign but if a guy re raises my re raise im pretty sure he has a good hand the and top pair with 2nd kicker isnt a calling hand. the original re raiser had 7 7 giving him a set and the bloke who re popped to 2k only had K Q
Unreal just wish i had the funds to play these levels
Just seen a bloke push with Ah9h on board 7s 8s 9s 10h kd to be called by Jh 9d that was for a $4000 pot.
Then the next one for me was an easy laydown, flop comes 7 Q 2 guy bets pot of $125 another raises to $500 original better re pops to $2000 guy goes back over the top for remaining $768, now am i missing somthign but if a guy re raises my re raise im pretty sure he has a good hand the and top pair with 2nd kicker isnt a calling hand. the original re raiser had 7 7 giving him a set and the bloke who re popped to 2k only had K Q
Unreal just wish i had the funds to play these levels
Sunday, 25 November 2007
All Over Rover

I know ive said it before but i think its time i took a break from poker, its doing my tits in to be honest, Ive gone from being pretty athletic to just getting in from work stuffing my tea down and sat infront of either the laptop or computer for hours.
Now dont get me wrong ive had good times doing it, won a few tourneys made a few $$$s paid for some nice stuff and that but i was sat here today id ran $40 upto $200 in 2 days and i just thought whats the point?
To be honest lately i aint felt much like doing it online, but i have and played some awful poker but then other times i just get robbed, Dont wanna go on about it but ive had KK vs AK vs JJ J hits on flop. Had sum tool push on a flop of K33 i had JJ he turns over A9 and rivers his A, then to finish me off have 9 10 flop comes 6 7 8 he pushes all in i call he shows AK suited and it comes runner runner flush. pure piss take.
So me and online poker are through, for the time being until i find the time to be honest the i can be arsed`ness to play.
Laters all, thanks for reading all these weeks not too sure where to go from here tbh.
Same old Same old
Yup now i know why i dont like mansion, just action flops all the time
had 77 raised got one caller flop 5 7 8 i check he bets i raise he pushes all in i figure surely you havent called with 6 9, so i call and he shows 8 8 turn and river dont help me.
Then i have 66 on board of 3 4 5 i bet flop he raises so i figure i got outs not many i know but thinking hes holding Ak or somthing like that i push he calls with QQ doh! miss again on turn and river.
So i decided to shut up shop and go back to what i know, Betfair, played a few hours today sat with $40 and have run that upto around $200, not a bad start playing 25c 50c
had 77 raised got one caller flop 5 7 8 i check he bets i raise he pushes all in i figure surely you havent called with 6 9, so i call and he shows 8 8 turn and river dont help me.
Then i have 66 on board of 3 4 5 i bet flop he raises so i figure i got outs not many i know but thinking hes holding Ak or somthing like that i push he calls with QQ doh! miss again on turn and river.
So i decided to shut up shop and go back to what i know, Betfair, played a few hours today sat with $40 and have run that upto around $200, not a bad start playing 25c 50c
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Random Night / New Beginning

Not posted in a while coz i couldnt be bothered but just been proper off poker at the moment, just getting sick beat after sick beat playing online. Whcih resulted in my leaving the Badbeat Trader Programme
So went down to Rileys with a couple of the lads from work and again it was a random night, I have to say this is the worst ive played in a while, playing with hands that should have been thrown, calling with rubbish. Then i got fortunate after some tit decided to place a straddle bet in, the rest of the table including myself wasnt too sure what was kicking off, but everyone played on so i thought id teach him a lesson and just push with any 2 cards see what he did. got KJ and duley pushed, got one caller and the bloke who straddled call aswell, they turn em over original caller has 4 2 o/s other bloke has 5 6 o/s, now this wasnt a small bet by me i had pushed £15 in and was called twice!
anyways flop comes 5 6 8 turn 9 river 7 splitting the pot 3 ways. The bloke who called with 5 6 saw his arse and left the table to join another game, pmsl wtf is he doing calling with 5 6 o/s for £15 in a 25p 50p game?
I didnt have many good hands in truth only real pay off was i limp with 9 10 suited couple of callers, flop comes 10 10 Q everyone checks it to me, i bet the pot around £2ish and its instantly raised i re raise he pushes all in and call im thinking shit higher 10? QQ? nope he turns over Q 6 and misses both the turn and river
So decided im gonna go back to the site i was on while doing the Badbeat thing and see if i can beat it, i figure i can i think i played badly due to the amount of hours i HAD to play, just took all the fun out of it for me. So started back on today see how i get on
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Online Poker is BENT
Ive seen some morons in my time but this lad takes the biscuit.
Look at this hand for a starter
He is holding A6 here btw not sure why its not showing it
Then this one
The retard is holding 9 9 here wtf is the call on the flop about?
Then this just to piss me right off!
The cock bag is holding K J
Pure piss take!
Look at this hand for a starter
He is holding A6 here btw not sure why its not showing it
Then this one
The retard is holding 9 9 here wtf is the call on the flop about?
Then this just to piss me right off!
The cock bag is holding K J
Pure piss take!
Friday, 16 November 2007
Finally A Winner!
Had a winning night last night for a change,
Started played online and ran $50 upt $240 before leaving and going to join the fishays at Rileys
I wasnt going to go until MKD told i couldnt afford not to go!
And he was right
first double up was my JJ against an awful bluff on a 8 high board i push he calls and shows A3 doubled me upto £40
Then it was what can only be described as Car Crash Poker from then on in, i had AK bloke who was at it all night raises to £4 i re raise to £10 flop come J 4 8 hes first to act and slams all in for £70 i thought about it and thought better of calling as i could put my money in a better spot. I fold he shows me 9 3 o/s they then decide to rabbit hunt and the turn is 9 river 3, Wp u moron
Very next hand have J9 suited in SB flop comes Jh 9h 2d i bet bloke raises i push he shows Q3 hearts he hits on turn Kh wp fish
Was down to £15 so had to rebuy for another £15
Few hands later the bluffer raises £4 another raises to £8 now normally i wouldnt think twice about throwing PPs away but i was at the fishiest table i swear it smelt of cod! thats how bad these people were, looked down and had 10 10 so i decide to push pre flop everyone folds and original bluffer thinks about it and calls , raiser thinks about it and says you must have a PP but im pot commited so i call aswell,
its my 10 10 vs 9 9 vs A2, i mean A2 wtf are you hoping to hit? flop comes down K 10 4 nicely! river is a scary J now im certain there is going to come a queen on the river to help these fish the rivers dealt and its...... the 10 get in!! Quads for GB and a nice £80 to boot!
not many more hands to talk about apart from the foooool bluffer who again tried to bluff and lost his entire stack of around £100 on a board of K K 10 4 J he tried to bluff with J 2 and was called by AA
Got back home around 1am ish and booted up a table or two sat with $50 on each doubled up on both and logged off after about an hour with $300 not a bad nights work,
Started played online and ran $50 upt $240 before leaving and going to join the fishays at Rileys
I wasnt going to go until MKD told i couldnt afford not to go!
And he was right
first double up was my JJ against an awful bluff on a 8 high board i push he calls and shows A3 doubled me upto £40
Then it was what can only be described as Car Crash Poker from then on in, i had AK bloke who was at it all night raises to £4 i re raise to £10 flop come J 4 8 hes first to act and slams all in for £70 i thought about it and thought better of calling as i could put my money in a better spot. I fold he shows me 9 3 o/s they then decide to rabbit hunt and the turn is 9 river 3, Wp u moron
Very next hand have J9 suited in SB flop comes Jh 9h 2d i bet bloke raises i push he shows Q3 hearts he hits on turn Kh wp fish
Was down to £15 so had to rebuy for another £15
Few hands later the bluffer raises £4 another raises to £8 now normally i wouldnt think twice about throwing PPs away but i was at the fishiest table i swear it smelt of cod! thats how bad these people were, looked down and had 10 10 so i decide to push pre flop everyone folds and original bluffer thinks about it and calls , raiser thinks about it and says you must have a PP but im pot commited so i call aswell,
its my 10 10 vs 9 9 vs A2, i mean A2 wtf are you hoping to hit? flop comes down K 10 4 nicely! river is a scary J now im certain there is going to come a queen on the river to help these fish the rivers dealt and its...... the 10 get in!! Quads for GB and a nice £80 to boot!
not many more hands to talk about apart from the foooool bluffer who again tried to bluff and lost his entire stack of around £100 on a board of K K 10 4 J he tried to bluff with J 2 and was called by AA
Got back home around 1am ish and booted up a table or two sat with $50 on each doubled up on both and logged off after about an hour with $300 not a bad nights work,
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
And the Slump Goes On
i was sure today would be the day id turn it round,
Yet again i get upto $150 and bossing the table and again it all goes Pete Tong,
In the space of about 20 hands i went from table big stack to busto
started off so well as you can see here
Then these,
In fairness looking back though i played the previous hand awful but i didnt put him on Q i was certain he had AK, AJ and was sure if he had JJ he would fold to a raise i was wrong!
then to finish me off this one, again looking over it again the pre flop raise should have given away he was strong, but again i just had a feeling i was infront i was sure for some reason he had KK
but here goes....
So my plan of shit or bust has come back to bite me in the arse,
Yet again i get upto $150 and bossing the table and again it all goes Pete Tong,
In the space of about 20 hands i went from table big stack to busto
started off so well as you can see here
Then these,
In fairness looking back though i played the previous hand awful but i didnt put him on Q i was certain he had AK, AJ and was sure if he had JJ he would fold to a raise i was wrong!
then to finish me off this one, again looking over it again the pre flop raise should have given away he was strong, but again i just had a feeling i was infront i was sure for some reason he had KK
but here goes....
So my plan of shit or bust has come back to bite me in the arse,
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Lol should have known better, finally a night where im winning took my $50 utpo $100 and decided right enough for now, sat out,
Came back after talking to our lass in the kitchen and sat back in for a couple more hands until the $100 + $8 tourny started, first hand back QQ early raise to $5 from $1 i re raise he calls
Flop comes 5 8 10, he checks i bet pot which is around $10 / $15 he minimum re raises i decide surely winning, to push there and then, he insta calls and turns over AA turn comes J river K ah bugger ah well just goes in line with the past few days least i didnt get outdrawn this time
Came back after talking to our lass in the kitchen and sat back in for a couple more hands until the $100 + $8 tourny started, first hand back QQ early raise to $5 from $1 i re raise he calls
Flop comes 5 8 10, he checks i bet pot which is around $10 / $15 he minimum re raises i decide surely winning, to push there and then, he insta calls and turns over AA turn comes J river K ah bugger ah well just goes in line with the past few days least i didnt get outdrawn this time
Monday, 12 November 2007
One Big Fucking Joke
Yet again ive been robbed by the fking fish at 50c $1, i swear this is the worst for fish these dicks will call with anything they call with suited cards coz it looks pretty or sum bollocks like that.
3 hands did me in tonight. in a very short space of time.
firstly short stack raises to $3 i re raise to $9 with AQ he calls flop comes A 2 4 i check to check raise him, and the fish bites he bets $5 i raise him all in for the other $6 he calls and sure as eggs is eggs he turns over A2 i mean wtf?
Then very next hand i have another short stack with $20 arrive at the table ive got $65ish at this point, i get QQ, the short stack raises to $3 so no messing around i push there and then expecting an insta fold, but no he calls i think shit AA? KK? nope he turns over K7 hearts, flop comes K 2 10 4 7 what a piss take knocks me down to $45
couple of hands later on BB minium raise to $2 to me everyone else calls i have A7 not a cracking hand so i just call, get an amazing flop of 7 7 2 i check it goes bet $5, call $5, raise to $10 then back to me to act so i slam for for $40ish it then goes fold fold bloke thinks about it for a second and calls and turns over 33 i was like WTF! he has 2 outs! turn comes 5 river 3 what a fucking joke firstly how the fuck can he raise a paired board with an under pair secondly how can he call an all in with an underpair?
Its just a fucking joke the amount of luck these twats are getting
3 hands did me in tonight. in a very short space of time.
firstly short stack raises to $3 i re raise to $9 with AQ he calls flop comes A 2 4 i check to check raise him, and the fish bites he bets $5 i raise him all in for the other $6 he calls and sure as eggs is eggs he turns over A2 i mean wtf?
Then very next hand i have another short stack with $20 arrive at the table ive got $65ish at this point, i get QQ, the short stack raises to $3 so no messing around i push there and then expecting an insta fold, but no he calls i think shit AA? KK? nope he turns over K7 hearts, flop comes K 2 10 4 7 what a piss take knocks me down to $45
couple of hands later on BB minium raise to $2 to me everyone else calls i have A7 not a cracking hand so i just call, get an amazing flop of 7 7 2 i check it goes bet $5, call $5, raise to $10 then back to me to act so i slam for for $40ish it then goes fold fold bloke thinks about it for a second and calls and turns over 33 i was like WTF! he has 2 outs! turn comes 5 river 3 what a fucking joke firstly how the fuck can he raise a paired board with an under pair secondly how can he call an all in with an underpair?
Its just a fucking joke the amount of luck these twats are getting
Saturday, 10 November 2007
What a Fucking Joke
past 3 days been playing 50c $1 and there are more fucking fish there than a fucking trout farm, both days doubled up my $100 only to get fucking robbed on 3 hands
Day 1, AA flop comes A 8 9 Bet flop $12 he raises i slam all in he calls in a flash, turns over KQ turn 10 river J well played you fucking moron
Day 2, again double up to $200 flop straight 5 6 7 i have 8 9 only for the dick to push all in on flop with AK suited an comes runner runner flush
Day 3, K 9 flop comes k 9 2 bet $20 he calls, turn 4 bet $40 he raises i slam all in, he turns over A4 river comes A
Day 1, AA flop comes A 8 9 Bet flop $12 he raises i slam all in he calls in a flash, turns over KQ turn 10 river J well played you fucking moron
Day 2, again double up to $200 flop straight 5 6 7 i have 8 9 only for the dick to push all in on flop with AK suited an comes runner runner flush
Day 3, K 9 flop comes k 9 2 bet $20 he calls, turn 4 bet $40 he raises i slam all in, he turns over A4 river comes A
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Not played much poker to be honest, Was our lasses graduation yesterday so no poker last night full family round letting off some fireworks, top nite!
Going away with the missus upto hers but taking the laptop so should hopefully get some hours in, not doing too bad after a nightmare start on the Badbeat thing as you can see from this graph.

Not bad $430ish in profit and with just under a month to go setting my target around the same again i think $700 - $800 should see me right onto $200 a day, then hopefully move on from there in time.
Anyways best be off i feel a road trip about to start! Anyways if your reading this Dennan or Cheesebarrow get back to work you pair of skivers!
Going away with the missus upto hers but taking the laptop so should hopefully get some hours in, not doing too bad after a nightmare start on the Badbeat thing as you can see from this graph.

Not bad $430ish in profit and with just under a month to go setting my target around the same again i think $700 - $800 should see me right onto $200 a day, then hopefully move on from there in time.
Anyways best be off i feel a road trip about to start! Anyways if your reading this Dennan or Cheesebarrow get back to work you pair of skivers!
Saturday, 3 November 2007
Tourny Sucess / Missed Chances
Cashed in a $20 freezeout last night for $484, which is good i suppose just i know i could have finished 2nd, got knocked out in 3rd with 56k in chips by stupidly taking on the chip leader who was raising with any 2 cards, so i call his bet, and hit top pair on the board, he puts a small bet in and i slam over the top, think i had 7 8 suited board comes 2 8 4 i slam he calls and turns over J 8 just my luck!
Only one thing annoyed me is that the bloke who finished up in 2nd only had 7k in chips when i bust out, and he got $700 for second, which pissed me off abit!
Ah well atleast it gets me to some sort of profit for this badbeat thing. Just not too sure how much though
Only one thing annoyed me is that the bloke who finished up in 2nd only had 7k in chips when i bust out, and he got $700 for second, which pissed me off abit!
Ah well atleast it gets me to some sort of profit for this badbeat thing. Just not too sure how much though
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
When its not your day its just not your day......

Not posted in a while, so thought id better get my finger out and let you know whats kicking off in the world of GB.
Had a good week last week, with the trip to Rileys and then Yang Towers friday, attempted to play some poker Saturday after the marathon 10 hour stint at Phils but it wasnt going too cracking so decided i was too tired to play
Had a few hours Sunday from what i can rememember wasnt too eventful no pots stick in my mind for that one, Played abit Monday think i donked all my money off Monday and then decided i would take Mikes advice and go blow off some steam in a $25 sit n go, took then down on Betfair so all the profit to me!
played yesterday and mananged to double up my hand thanks a few good hands was hitting everything yesterday straights, flushes and sets were holding up twas a good day indeed, then went on Betfair and played some PLO 50c $1 managed to take £20 upto £75 in about an hour.
How different today has been, played my usual 25c 50c on Mansion everthing was fine was just about even when this happend
JJ raise to $3 BB raises to $6 i call, flop comes 10c 4c 2h he checks the flop to me so i take it hes weak probably AQ AK low PP i bet $15 certain im infront, he raises me all in for my remaining $10 so i call thinking hmm surely not KK QQ AA????? possible flush draw i suppose.. then again i have the Jc he turns over AK turn comes 3 river brings A what a fcuking fish!
Few hands later i get 99 raise to $4 not expecting to get a caller but same guy calls again, flop comes Q jc 9c he bets $10 again i know full well im infront so i re raise all in he couldnt call fast enough, im thinking no surely he hasnt got K10 but no he shows AhQc i think at the time the odds flashed up and it was 85% - 15% if that to me, river comes 2c river yup another club then look over and see he has the fking Q of clubs what a fking joke pure piss take!
Then to top it off, i think i know i will stick some on the footy, i put the following on, 3 accumulators:
Rangers, Dundee Utd, Aberdeen, Celtic = 7.33 to 1 = the best team in this Celtic lose
Man City, Liverpool and Celtic = 4.89 to 1 = again Celtic cost me
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Lucky Gaz
Same form carried on from the previous couple of days last night,
Played the tournament £20 round at Yang Towers, got down to the last 4 due to a nice double up raised with AA one caller with 10 10, and another with KK pushes all in, i re raise over the top all in, and get 10 10 to fold, Luckily! as the flop comes 10 Q 6 Phew!! or we would have been both out, turn J leaving me to sweat on the river but i think it was a 2 or somthing.
Down to the last 4 was mainly push or fold after a quick pee, i come back to find all three players all in AQ vs AQ vs K8 both AQ split the pot, meaning im in the money, money back at least, again maily push or fold in the end i decided i was short stacked and fancied a gamble, and once again the luck was on my side, hitting a straight flush on the turn leaving Rob short stacked, Think soon it was heads up i had the chip lead but we played a couple of hands and decided to split the money £75 each to get on with the cash game.
Again into a cash game, and again i hit everything in sight! i think at one point i hit a set with every pocket pair i had, with this backfiring once, with a board of Q 2 4 checked flop to turn a set of 6`s on on turn, then 4 on river brings full house unfortunately Rob was holding QQ hitting the bigger FH, ah well cant win em all,
Cant remember many hands to be fair, although i paid KK of when i got to the turn with soooooooooooooooo many outs only to miss em all on river with Ac 10h, 8c Jc Qc 2h and river brings another blank somthing like a 5
Anyways all in all it was a good night walked away from Tourny £55 up and £55 up from cash game £110 profit to go with the £100 from the night before cant complain!
Although played abit online today and played the worst poker i have ever played in my life and subiquently donking off my $100 probably somthing to do wtih not getting in until 5am and being woken at 10am by the bloody post man!
Ah well try again tommorow
Played the tournament £20 round at Yang Towers, got down to the last 4 due to a nice double up raised with AA one caller with 10 10, and another with KK pushes all in, i re raise over the top all in, and get 10 10 to fold, Luckily! as the flop comes 10 Q 6 Phew!! or we would have been both out, turn J leaving me to sweat on the river but i think it was a 2 or somthing.
Down to the last 4 was mainly push or fold after a quick pee, i come back to find all three players all in AQ vs AQ vs K8 both AQ split the pot, meaning im in the money, money back at least, again maily push or fold in the end i decided i was short stacked and fancied a gamble, and once again the luck was on my side, hitting a straight flush on the turn leaving Rob short stacked, Think soon it was heads up i had the chip lead but we played a couple of hands and decided to split the money £75 each to get on with the cash game.
Again into a cash game, and again i hit everything in sight! i think at one point i hit a set with every pocket pair i had, with this backfiring once, with a board of Q 2 4 checked flop to turn a set of 6`s on on turn, then 4 on river brings full house unfortunately Rob was holding QQ hitting the bigger FH, ah well cant win em all,
Cant remember many hands to be fair, although i paid KK of when i got to the turn with soooooooooooooooo many outs only to miss em all on river with Ac 10h, 8c Jc Qc 2h and river brings another blank somthing like a 5
Anyways all in all it was a good night walked away from Tourny £55 up and £55 up from cash game £110 profit to go with the £100 from the night before cant complain!
Although played abit online today and played the worst poker i have ever played in my life and subiquently donking off my $100 probably somthing to do wtih not getting in until 5am and being woken at 10am by the bloody post man!
Ah well try again tommorow
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Rileys Poker
You gotta love the place, im sure its just a breading ground for all the cod, sea bass and trout out there. I never have claimed to be good at this game we all play but my god these people couldnt spell poker!, let alone play it!
Played the usual tourny there £10 freezeout, not much action really knocked out in 12th when i got board and pushed all in with J 6 only for one lad to think for ages and even say i think youve got me beat as he turned over QQ, i even asked what the hell he was thinking about?
Anyways his QQ stands and its off to the cash game,
Sat down and folded a few hands then the deck literally hit me in the face, Big time!. The buyin was anyting between £10 and £30, bought in for £20 thanks Mike D.
Game was 50p £1 nice warm up for 2morra night!, Anyways holding AQ raise to £4 get three callers i was like wtf? flop comes Q Q 2, GET IN! i thought, checked it, bloke 1bets £2 other bloke calls i figure im well infront so just minium raise it, original bloke folds! lol £2 too rich for him obviously, other bloke calls, turn A i check again, he bets the pot about £20 i raise for what is about £2 more he turns over 10 10, send it!
Next hand holding 7 8 suited sees five people to flop, 7 6 2 i check raise him again this time bet is £10 raise to £20 he calls, turn comes 3 i slam there and then, he thinks for ages and calls the rest of what he has about £15 with........ A8 river comes K send it again!
the only hand of note i lost tonight was when i raise to £5 with AK sum tit with JQ calls, flop brings A 10 J, i bet out £10 he calls, turn K i check he checks right behind me, river 2 again i check hoping my 2 pair is good, he checks and shows JQ i was like wtf? first u call with JQ o/s then u check the nuts on the turn and river.
So all in all not a bad night £100 profit cant be sniffed at, just hoping for the same run tommorow night in the SL Open round at Yang Towers
Played the usual tourny there £10 freezeout, not much action really knocked out in 12th when i got board and pushed all in with J 6 only for one lad to think for ages and even say i think youve got me beat as he turned over QQ, i even asked what the hell he was thinking about?
Anyways his QQ stands and its off to the cash game,
Sat down and folded a few hands then the deck literally hit me in the face, Big time!. The buyin was anyting between £10 and £30, bought in for £20 thanks Mike D.
Game was 50p £1 nice warm up for 2morra night!, Anyways holding AQ raise to £4 get three callers i was like wtf? flop comes Q Q 2, GET IN! i thought, checked it, bloke 1bets £2 other bloke calls i figure im well infront so just minium raise it, original bloke folds! lol £2 too rich for him obviously, other bloke calls, turn A i check again, he bets the pot about £20 i raise for what is about £2 more he turns over 10 10, send it!
Next hand holding 7 8 suited sees five people to flop, 7 6 2 i check raise him again this time bet is £10 raise to £20 he calls, turn comes 3 i slam there and then, he thinks for ages and calls the rest of what he has about £15 with........ A8 river comes K send it again!
the only hand of note i lost tonight was when i raise to £5 with AK sum tit with JQ calls, flop brings A 10 J, i bet out £10 he calls, turn K i check he checks right behind me, river 2 again i check hoping my 2 pair is good, he checks and shows JQ i was like wtf? first u call with JQ o/s then u check the nuts on the turn and river.
So all in all not a bad night £100 profit cant be sniffed at, just hoping for the same run tommorow night in the SL Open round at Yang Towers
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Running Good at Last
Things seem to be on the up as far as the pokay is concerned, after talking to my mentor after the sick beats from the other night he reassured me that i wasnt doing much wrong and nowt i could do KK vs 22 and JJ vs AK was unlucky also.
Played yesterday not much of note to be honest not many hands stick out in my mind, maybe this one but it was routine,
Showed a profit of $83 so not too bad.
Played abit more tonight and it was another good night, im suprised at level of players on 25c 50c tables im sorry but some are just awful! as this hand shows. My fav hand J10, minimum raise to $1 playing 25c 50c, Flop 10 Q 10 i check guy bets $5 i raise to $15 he calls, turn comes 6 i bet pot $35 he slams all in for $50 total, i call he shows JQ river comes J to fill me up couldnt believe it.
Then very next hand i misclick and call a minimum raise with 9 2, flop comes Q 9 2 he bets $5 i push expecting him to fold unless he has bigger 2 pair or set, he turns over Q3, 9 on turn and hes drawing to a Q river comes 6. another $30 profit.
This is my current position in the trader thing the early dip seems to be behind me now, with another $93 to be added to this total in the morning.
Monday, 22 October 2007
What goes around comes around
Only seems like yesterday i was whinging on about bad beats and sick out draws, oh wait it was.
Well its true what they say things do look a little better on a good nights kip. Played today felt good and refreshed was making good reads and good plays then this.
Not the worst beat in the world i know pre flop its probably 55% - 45%, but when doesnt connect on the flop or turn im looking good then whammmmmmmmmmy on the river.
Was too concerned about that one, but then i got this awful player and look how this one played out
i aint even gonna describe it its just awful and needs to be seen to be believed!.
So there i was $55 down and not looking good, so took a break calmed down for abit. Logged back on and within 4 hands i had got some luck myself, what he was doing calling with 7 2 though i will never know, have a look for yourselves
and to finish the night off i tracked the guy down who had robbed me in a previous pot,
this one happend
Like granny Tonks always says what goes around comes around!
About time i had somthing go my way for a change, so now i think im $100 in profit for the month, only another $200 to go and hopefully move onto the second stage of this.
Well its true what they say things do look a little better on a good nights kip. Played today felt good and refreshed was making good reads and good plays then this.
Not the worst beat in the world i know pre flop its probably 55% - 45%, but when doesnt connect on the flop or turn im looking good then whammmmmmmmmmy on the river.
Was too concerned about that one, but then i got this awful player and look how this one played out
i aint even gonna describe it its just awful and needs to be seen to be believed!.
So there i was $55 down and not looking good, so took a break calmed down for abit. Logged back on and within 4 hands i had got some luck myself, what he was doing calling with 7 2 though i will never know, have a look for yourselves
and to finish the night off i tracked the guy down who had robbed me in a previous pot,
this one happend
Like granny Tonks always says what goes around comes around!
About time i had somthing go my way for a change, so now i think im $100 in profit for the month, only another $200 to go and hopefully move onto the second stage of this.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Im Done
Thats it i give up,
After sum sick sick outdraws, im back to sqaure 1, back at evens made nothing lost nothing, but i just cant be bothered to play the amount of hours they are wanting me to.
its just demoralising i just dont enjoy playing maybe it is due to the fact that mansion is the shittest site i have ever seen or played at, you get the fishiest retards, calling with bottom pair all the way to the river where they will more often than not hit a set.
For example i thought id take a note of how many flushes i hit today, i see the flop 16 times, 14 times i have the A high flush draw, and you know how many times i hit this after betting every street? a big fat fucking 1!!!! and then the shit house folds.
Ah well back to the fucking shit hole that is work in the morning, see what more shit im given this week, see how many more times i will be given shit just coz they feel like it.
Someone please just fucking shoot me
After sum sick sick outdraws, im back to sqaure 1, back at evens made nothing lost nothing, but i just cant be bothered to play the amount of hours they are wanting me to.
its just demoralising i just dont enjoy playing maybe it is due to the fact that mansion is the shittest site i have ever seen or played at, you get the fishiest retards, calling with bottom pair all the way to the river where they will more often than not hit a set.
For example i thought id take a note of how many flushes i hit today, i see the flop 16 times, 14 times i have the A high flush draw, and you know how many times i hit this after betting every street? a big fat fucking 1!!!! and then the shit house folds.
Ah well back to the fucking shit hole that is work in the morning, see what more shit im given this week, see how many more times i will be given shit just coz they feel like it.
Someone please just fucking shoot me
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Just thought id let you all know i think im currently up $50 on the month overall which aint too bad considering the start i had, will check when the tables update 2morra
And also wft happend with England? we were robbed by a bent Aussie/New Zealand ref only bitter coz theyre shit teams are already back home!
And also wft happend with England? we were robbed by a bent Aussie/New Zealand ref only bitter coz theyre shit teams are already back home!
There are some sick retarded fish out there, seen sooooooo many suck outs and so many bad poor calls, in the long run i know this is a good thing that they call with anything, but the worst ive seen today was a hand against me i had 10 10 fish has 2 2, i raise 4 times the big blind, he calls flop comes 8 4 9 i check he slams i insta call, knowing he has top pair at best, but no turns over 2 2 and im millllllllllllllllles infront but oh wait whats that on the turn u guessed it fking 2 what a fking donk!
He then gives it "sorry" as he leaves the table with my money.
Suppose i cant complain still at the time of writing this im still $70 up for the day
He then gives it "sorry" as he leaves the table with my money.
Suppose i cant complain still at the time of writing this im still $70 up for the day
Friday, 19 October 2007
Shit Day Turns Good
After an alrite morning at work, and everyone eager to find out their grading it was looking like a good day, bit of extra cash in the back pocket like, the average was around level 3, so it meant summat like another £1500 a year.
Come back after dinner, that im only at a 2.3 what a fucking joke. Its a complete load of balls an extra £300 a year for what a shit load of fking work thats what, i mean i wouldnt mind if it were a good job, the only reason im staying there for now is coz i get on really well with most of the lads there except for the odd arse licker.
So i come home in a rite foul mood, luckily i didnt hit the tables rite away or i would have donked it all off, sat on a table with $80 managed to build it up to the balance above
Basically just a few hands helped nicely, caught some guy trying to bluff a pot when i had top two and he missed he flush draw, doubled me up to $160, then had AA mini raise, a caller and re raise call, so i decide to slam get one caller A10 thats another 70 to the stack.
Next was 56 vs j9 flop comes 789 bet raise re raise all in, turn K river 3 send it another $100 my way $330!
Then had JQ suited vs K2 why the fk he was raising with k2 i will never know, board comes K 10 J he bets i flat call, turn A gives me str8 and flush draw, bet raise re raise all in, i expected to be splitting it but had the extra outs of the flush, but nope he bet his entire stack $100 on middle pair, send it! $425
Then it had to come, minimum raise i re raise he calls, Flop comes Q 2 K i have QQQ bet raise re raise all in, im thkning come hope u have AA or AK but no he has KKK fking gutted ah well back down to the balance above
Not a bad night really makes up for the other shit ones.
Come back after dinner, that im only at a 2.3 what a fucking joke. Its a complete load of balls an extra £300 a year for what a shit load of fking work thats what, i mean i wouldnt mind if it were a good job, the only reason im staying there for now is coz i get on really well with most of the lads there except for the odd arse licker.
So i come home in a rite foul mood, luckily i didnt hit the tables rite away or i would have donked it all off, sat on a table with $80 managed to build it up to the balance above
Basically just a few hands helped nicely, caught some guy trying to bluff a pot when i had top two and he missed he flush draw, doubled me up to $160, then had AA mini raise, a caller and re raise call, so i decide to slam get one caller A10 thats another 70 to the stack.
Next was 56 vs j9 flop comes 789 bet raise re raise all in, turn K river 3 send it another $100 my way $330!
Then had JQ suited vs K2 why the fk he was raising with k2 i will never know, board comes K 10 J he bets i flat call, turn A gives me str8 and flush draw, bet raise re raise all in, i expected to be splitting it but had the extra outs of the flush, but nope he bet his entire stack $100 on middle pair, send it! $425
Then it had to come, minimum raise i re raise he calls, Flop comes Q 2 K i have QQQ bet raise re raise all in, im thkning come hope u have AA or AK but no he has KKK fking gutted ah well back down to the balance above
Not a bad night really makes up for the other shit ones.
Thursday, 18 October 2007
And it all clicks into place....
How is it that one day you can play the best poker possible and you hit sod all, infact you get hit from every angle by anything,
Then there are the days like today, where you hit anything and everything, and people pay you off!
Was just awesome played lower limits playing micro limits 5c 10c HE playing 3 tables at once, doubled up on all of em logged off had some tea.
Went back on played abit of PLO sat down with 25 managed to hit everything on there aswell, flopping sets, Fhs and flushes left right and centre.
So nice profit tonight finished on $170, doesnt sounds like its going too well for Al after two days where we both lost the lot, hes down again tonight last i heard he was $104 down
Then there are the days like today, where you hit anything and everything, and people pay you off!
Was just awesome played lower limits playing micro limits 5c 10c HE playing 3 tables at once, doubled up on all of em logged off had some tea.
Went back on played abit of PLO sat down with 25 managed to hit everything on there aswell, flopping sets, Fhs and flushes left right and centre.
So nice profit tonight finished on $170, doesnt sounds like its going too well for Al after two days where we both lost the lot, hes down again tonight last i heard he was $104 down
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Heres a Post Just For You Rounder
Following on the previous one... these are more hands that hammerd me tonight. Think i played this poorly
Seat 0: gbillingham ($27.40 in chips) Seat 1: nikos_10 ($38.55 in chips) Seat 2: rapid pride ($36.10 in chips) Seat 6: JuRRi86 ($30.55 in chips) (on the button)
*** Blind Bet Round *** : gbillingham : Post Blind ($0.25)nikos_10 : Post Blind ($0.25)Dealt to gbillingham: 5s,Ah,As,Qc
*** Pre-Flop *** : rapid pride : Call ($0.25)JuRRi86 : Call ($0.25)gbillingham : Bet ($1)nikos_10 : Call ($1)rapid pride : FoldJuRRi86 : Call ($1)
*** Flop *** : Jh Jc Ac gbillingham : Checknikos_10 : CheckJuRRi86 : Bet ($4)gbillingham : Call ($4)nikos_10 : Fold
*** Turn *** : [ Jh Jc Ac ] 2c gbillingham : CheckJuRRi86 : Check
*** River *** : [ Jh Jc Ac 2c ] Jd gbillingham : CheckJuRRi86 : Bet ($8)gbillingham : Fold
JuRRi86 : Shows Js 8h 2h 4h
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $19.40 Rake: $0.60Board: [ Jh Jc Ac 2c Jd ]gbillingham lost $5.25 nikos_10 lost $1.25 rapid pride lost $0.25 JuRRi86 bet $13.25, collected $19.40, net $6.15
Then these two just to finish me off.....
Dealt to gbillingham: 5h,2d,8h,8s
*** Pre-Flop *** : 11Schollen : Foldeppailemati : FoldHartsaa : Call ($0.25)gbillingham : CheckEasy2001 : Bet ($0.55)Hartsaa : Call ($0.55)gbillingham : Call ($0.55)
*** Flop *** : Kc 8d 2c gbillingham : Bet ($2.40)Easy2001 : FoldHartsaa : Call ($2.40)
*** Turn *** : [ Kc 8d 2c ] 10s Dealt to Hartsaa: QhDealt to Hartsaa: 10dDealt to Hartsaa: KdDealt to Hartsaa: 10hDealt to gbillingham: 5hDealt to gbillingham: 2dDealt to gbillingham: 8hDealt to gbillingham: 8sgbillingham : Bet ($7.20)Hartsaa : Raise ($20)gbillingham : Call ($6.20)gbillingham : All In ($13.40)
*** River *** : [ Kc 8d 2c 10s ] Ad Dealt to Hartsaa: QhDealt to Hartsaa: 10dDealt to Hartsaa: KdDealt to Hartsaa: 10hDealt to gbillingham: 5hDealt to gbillingham: 2dDealt to gbillingham: 8hDealt to gbillingham: 8sHartsaa
*** SUMMARY ***Pot: $39.10 Rake: $1.50Board: [ Kc 8d 2c 10s Ad ]eppailemati lost $0 Hartsaa bet $23.20, collected $39.10, net $15.90 Shows [ Qh 10d Kd 10h ] (three tens)gbillingham lost $16.60 Shows [ 5h 2d 8h 8s ] (three eights)Easy2001 lost $0.80 11Schollen lost $0
And finally......
7s,Jd,6h,8d vs KsKc2s4s
Flop = 5d 10c 6s
He checks, i bet pot which is $7.50 he slams over the top.
Turn = 3s
River = 8s = He hits flush i hit str8
Seat 0: gbillingham ($27.40 in chips) Seat 1: nikos_10 ($38.55 in chips) Seat 2: rapid pride ($36.10 in chips) Seat 6: JuRRi86 ($30.55 in chips) (on the button)
*** Blind Bet Round *** : gbillingham : Post Blind ($0.25)nikos_10 : Post Blind ($0.25)Dealt to gbillingham: 5s,Ah,As,Qc
*** Pre-Flop *** : rapid pride : Call ($0.25)JuRRi86 : Call ($0.25)gbillingham : Bet ($1)nikos_10 : Call ($1)rapid pride : FoldJuRRi86 : Call ($1)
*** Flop *** : Jh Jc Ac gbillingham : Checknikos_10 : CheckJuRRi86 : Bet ($4)gbillingham : Call ($4)nikos_10 : Fold
*** Turn *** : [ Jh Jc Ac ] 2c gbillingham : CheckJuRRi86 : Check
*** River *** : [ Jh Jc Ac 2c ] Jd gbillingham : CheckJuRRi86 : Bet ($8)gbillingham : Fold
JuRRi86 : Shows Js 8h 2h 4h
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $19.40 Rake: $0.60Board: [ Jh Jc Ac 2c Jd ]gbillingham lost $5.25 nikos_10 lost $1.25 rapid pride lost $0.25 JuRRi86 bet $13.25, collected $19.40, net $6.15
Then these two just to finish me off.....
Dealt to gbillingham: 5h,2d,8h,8s
*** Pre-Flop *** : 11Schollen : Foldeppailemati : FoldHartsaa : Call ($0.25)gbillingham : CheckEasy2001 : Bet ($0.55)Hartsaa : Call ($0.55)gbillingham : Call ($0.55)
*** Flop *** : Kc 8d 2c gbillingham : Bet ($2.40)Easy2001 : FoldHartsaa : Call ($2.40)
*** Turn *** : [ Kc 8d 2c ] 10s Dealt to Hartsaa: QhDealt to Hartsaa: 10dDealt to Hartsaa: KdDealt to Hartsaa: 10hDealt to gbillingham: 5hDealt to gbillingham: 2dDealt to gbillingham: 8hDealt to gbillingham: 8sgbillingham : Bet ($7.20)Hartsaa : Raise ($20)gbillingham : Call ($6.20)gbillingham : All In ($13.40)
*** River *** : [ Kc 8d 2c 10s ] Ad Dealt to Hartsaa: QhDealt to Hartsaa: 10dDealt to Hartsaa: KdDealt to Hartsaa: 10hDealt to gbillingham: 5hDealt to gbillingham: 2dDealt to gbillingham: 8hDealt to gbillingham: 8sHartsaa
*** SUMMARY ***Pot: $39.10 Rake: $1.50Board: [ Kc 8d 2c 10s Ad ]eppailemati lost $0 Hartsaa bet $23.20, collected $39.10, net $15.90 Shows [ Qh 10d Kd 10h ] (three tens)gbillingham lost $16.60 Shows [ 5h 2d 8h 8s ] (three eights)Easy2001 lost $0.80 11Schollen lost $0
And finally......
7s,Jd,6h,8d vs KsKc2s4s
Flop = 5d 10c 6s
He checks, i bet pot which is $7.50 he slams over the top.
Turn = 3s
River = 8s = He hits flush i hit str8
Even The Pros Get It Wrong Sometimes.....
Its a nice refreshing change when its backed up that you arent actually a bad player after all its just one of those things.
Mentor rang me tonight, and asked me to play a few hands while he was talking me through what i should do. Things were looking up for a change with this hand, Get dealt K10 raise to $1 one caller, flop 6 10 4, i bet $1.75 he raises to $4 i call. Turn K he bets $7 i go all in for $31 he calls and shows 6 10, i think the comment from my mentor was "what a fking plum calling with 610". River comes 7, Send it!
Upto $65
Then this....
Hand P4-51987494-312, Started at 17/10/2007 18:06 (GMT+1)Table 'xWhiplash85's HE': $0.25-$0.25 No Limit HE (Real)Seat 2: gbillingham ($66.45 in chips) Seat 4: tessa80 ($4.50 in chips) Seat 5: harakirihoro ($27.90 in chips) (on the button)Seat 6: d3ar7dent1st ($69.20 in chips) Seat 8: TehAAsi ($81.30 in chips)
*** Blind Bet Round *** : d3ar7dent1st : Post Blind ($0.15)TehAAsi : Post Blind ($0.25)tessa80 : Post Blind ($0.25)Dealt to gbillingham: Dealt to gbillingham: As Kd
*** Pre-Flop *** : gbillingham : Bet ($2.25)tessa80 : Fold harakirihoro : Fold d3ar7dent1st : Call ($2.10)TehAAsi : Fold
*** Flop *** : 4h Ad 9d
d3ar7dent1st : Bet ($3.25)gbillingham : Call ($3.25)
*** Turn *** : [ 4h Ad 9d ] 5h d3ar7dent1st : Checkgbillingham : Bet ($8)d3ar7dent1st : Raise ($20)gbillingham : Call ($12)
*** River *** : [ 4h Ad 9d 5h ] Bet ($43.70)d3ar7dent1st gbillingham : Call ($40.95)
*** SUMMARY ***Pot: $134.65 Rake: $1.50Board: [ 4h Ad 9d 5h Kc ]gbillingham lost $66.45 Shows [ As Kd ] (two pairs, Aces and Kings)tessa80 lost $0.25 harakirihoro lost $0 d3ar7dent1st bet $69.20, collected $134.65, net $65.45 Shows [ 9c 9s ] (three nines)TehAAsi lost $0.25
Thanks Mentor!
Mentor rang me tonight, and asked me to play a few hands while he was talking me through what i should do. Things were looking up for a change with this hand, Get dealt K10 raise to $1 one caller, flop 6 10 4, i bet $1.75 he raises to $4 i call. Turn K he bets $7 i go all in for $31 he calls and shows 6 10, i think the comment from my mentor was "what a fking plum calling with 610". River comes 7, Send it!
Upto $65
Then this....
Hand P4-51987494-312, Started at 17/10/2007 18:06 (GMT+1)Table 'xWhiplash85's HE': $0.25-$0.25 No Limit HE (Real)Seat 2: gbillingham ($66.45 in chips) Seat 4: tessa80 ($4.50 in chips) Seat 5: harakirihoro ($27.90 in chips) (on the button)Seat 6: d3ar7dent1st ($69.20 in chips) Seat 8: TehAAsi ($81.30 in chips)
*** Blind Bet Round *** : d3ar7dent1st : Post Blind ($0.15)TehAAsi : Post Blind ($0.25)tessa80 : Post Blind ($0.25)Dealt to gbillingham: Dealt to gbillingham: As Kd
*** Pre-Flop *** : gbillingham : Bet ($2.25)tessa80 : Fold harakirihoro : Fold d3ar7dent1st : Call ($2.10)TehAAsi : Fold
*** Flop *** : 4h Ad 9d
d3ar7dent1st : Bet ($3.25)gbillingham : Call ($3.25)
*** Turn *** : [ 4h Ad 9d ] 5h d3ar7dent1st : Checkgbillingham : Bet ($8)d3ar7dent1st : Raise ($20)gbillingham : Call ($12)
*** River *** : [ 4h Ad 9d 5h ] Bet ($43.70)d3ar7dent1st gbillingham : Call ($40.95)
*** SUMMARY ***Pot: $134.65 Rake: $1.50Board: [ 4h Ad 9d 5h Kc ]gbillingham lost $66.45 Shows [ As Kd ] (two pairs, Aces and Kings)tessa80 lost $0.25 harakirihoro lost $0 d3ar7dent1st bet $69.20, collected $134.65, net $65.45 Shows [ 9c 9s ] (three nines)TehAAsi lost $0.25
Thanks Mentor!
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Another Kick to the Balls
Talk about when it aint your day,
Logged back on found $8 on my account from somewhere, had K10 flop comes K 2 4 i bet i get raised so i push, im only playing 5c 10c he turns over AA
Final hand minimum raise i have AK slam all in for remaining $3 he calls with 99 and of course he flops 9
When it aint your day it just aint your day.
Ah well 2morras another day see what happens 2morra
Logged back on found $8 on my account from somewhere, had K10 flop comes K 2 4 i bet i get raised so i push, im only playing 5c 10c he turns over AA
Final hand minimum raise i have AK slam all in for remaining $3 he calls with 99 and of course he flops 9
When it aint your day it just aint your day.
Ah well 2morras another day see what happens 2morra
Its On, Oh Its On Like Donkey Kong
Before i start this id like to publicly say, well done Mike D your prediction was correct!
Finally started the badbeat trader thing today.
First hour went past pretty uneventful then this...... had 99 couple of limpers one minimum raiser, flat call flop comes 9 2 J it goes somthing like this bet, raise, re raise all in, and he turns over JJ nice welcome to mansion needless to say the 9 never appeared to save me.
Managed to just about recover from that then holding AA i raise 3x the blinds to $1.50 i get exactly what i want a raise in mid position its massive aswell to oddly $9.99 so i think im only sat with $25 so all in over the top, he calls in an instant turns over AQ sooooooooooooo far infront its unreal, til the flop that is QQ2 and thats another $25 down the swanny.
So $50 down in my first 2 hours not what i had hoped for to be honest.
So decided to move to PLO after a short break, played a couple of hands flopped a fh won a $10 pot and thought things were on the up, how wrong i was about to proven.
Holding QsKsJh10h theres a raise infront and a short stack goes all in for another $3 the pot stands at $4 without his money, so i flat call as does another player, Flop comes 10sAs8s. i check the nuts as one player is all in and only one other in pot, he bets the pot i raise he slams all in, i was atleast thinking AAA or 101010 decide to call neither have AAA or 101010 they both have A8 o/s so im liking these odds, turn brings nothing and the river brings the 8 LOL what a joke soooooooo fked up!
So down to last $25 what a fking joke, very next hand and its all gone, flopped str8 and set of 7`s and some clown hits runner runner flush after i bet the pot twice. so in the space of around 3 hours thats $100 gone what a fking rip!
As my mate says it seems that Mansion is benter than George Micheal, Michael Barrymore and Graham Norton in the same room, seen sooooooo many sick beats today,
Doesnt look like this Badbeat thing will last too much longer!
Finally started the badbeat trader thing today.
First hour went past pretty uneventful then this...... had 99 couple of limpers one minimum raiser, flat call flop comes 9 2 J it goes somthing like this bet, raise, re raise all in, and he turns over JJ nice welcome to mansion needless to say the 9 never appeared to save me.
Managed to just about recover from that then holding AA i raise 3x the blinds to $1.50 i get exactly what i want a raise in mid position its massive aswell to oddly $9.99 so i think im only sat with $25 so all in over the top, he calls in an instant turns over AQ sooooooooooooo far infront its unreal, til the flop that is QQ2 and thats another $25 down the swanny.
So $50 down in my first 2 hours not what i had hoped for to be honest.
So decided to move to PLO after a short break, played a couple of hands flopped a fh won a $10 pot and thought things were on the up, how wrong i was about to proven.
Holding QsKsJh10h theres a raise infront and a short stack goes all in for another $3 the pot stands at $4 without his money, so i flat call as does another player, Flop comes 10sAs8s. i check the nuts as one player is all in and only one other in pot, he bets the pot i raise he slams all in, i was atleast thinking AAA or 101010 decide to call neither have AAA or 101010 they both have A8 o/s so im liking these odds, turn brings nothing and the river brings the 8 LOL what a joke soooooooo fked up!
So down to last $25 what a fking joke, very next hand and its all gone, flopped str8 and set of 7`s and some clown hits runner runner flush after i bet the pot twice. so in the space of around 3 hours thats $100 gone what a fking rip!
As my mate says it seems that Mansion is benter than George Micheal, Michael Barrymore and Graham Norton in the same room, seen sooooooo many sick beats today,
Doesnt look like this Badbeat thing will last too much longer!
Monday, 15 October 2007
Hold Up
Slight delay, it seems that i dont start the poker experience until 2morra somthing to do with Mansion updating their software.
Ah well another day to go not too bad.
Ah well another day to go not too bad.
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
All Systems Go!
Seems alls going well with the sponsered thingy, Had a confirmation email and all being well it should start next Monday, Then let the fun begin, I do have a little side bet going with one of the lads from back on who is going to make the most so if i can get his P/L figures i will do a running weekly thing on whos winning.
Friday, 5 October 2007
A New Beginning.......
Had an interesting email the other day, asking if id like to participate in the trainee trader programme,
Too bloody right i do!, basically they are offering the following,
First month $100 a day loss limit, by them giving me this i have to play 40 hours a week and play 3000 hands, but if i multi table ie 2 tables at once i only have to play 20 hours a week. I also have show a profit of atleast $300 by the end of the first month.
If i do then i move to month two where the same apply but i get $200 dollars a day, and have to show a profit of $700 a month if i can then do this i become a sponsered player playing full time!
I also get 25% of whatever profit i make for the first two months then they increase the higher up the months i get.
Bit of good news i thought! Just hopefully i can do the job
Too bloody right i do!, basically they are offering the following,
First month $100 a day loss limit, by them giving me this i have to play 40 hours a week and play 3000 hands, but if i multi table ie 2 tables at once i only have to play 20 hours a week. I also have show a profit of atleast $300 by the end of the first month.
If i do then i move to month two where the same apply but i get $200 dollars a day, and have to show a profit of $700 a month if i can then do this i become a sponsered player playing full time!
I also get 25% of whatever profit i make for the first two months then they increase the higher up the months i get.
Bit of good news i thought! Just hopefully i can do the job
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Time to Grow a Pair??
Bloody hell,
Picked a few accumlators, none came in had whatever was spare on Liverpool to lose, and it turns out it was 14 - 1 why the hell did i only put £2 on it!!!!!!
Picked a few accumlators, none came in had whatever was spare on Liverpool to lose, and it turns out it was 14 - 1 why the hell did i only put £2 on it!!!!!!
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Not Too Bad A Nite Really
I figured i would try playing somewhere up where i should be playing, no offence to people who play 5c 10c but it just aint for me, far too many out draws as its only cheap to call, as a mate once said " i cant take it serious knowing its only 12p"
So i moved up to 50c - $1 Holdem stuck £20 on didnt play anything really but good hands, can only really remember 2 particular hands, i had AK raise to $4 one caller, Flop Ad Kh 2h, i check guy bets i raise he calls, Turn 9c i bet pot $10 he thinks and calls, putting him on serious flush or straight draw, river comes 7d i check, he thinks about it and i was sure he was gonna check behind me but he puts a bet of $5 in i instantly raise to $12 and he calls and mucks in the same instant! Nice!!!
Second hand was 55 only 3 players at table so i raise to $3 guy calls with KJ flop comes 3 5 3 hmmmmm 2nd nuts anyone!!, he bets a dollar i dwell up and call, turn comes J he checks im praying hes hit somthing bet $2 he instant raises to $5 i call, river K i check again he bets $10 i raise to $25 he calls and mucks again, that will teach him for calling me a useless tard 2 hands before
Got tired so logged off and cashed out $100 nice $60 profit cant grumble
So i moved up to 50c - $1 Holdem stuck £20 on didnt play anything really but good hands, can only really remember 2 particular hands, i had AK raise to $4 one caller, Flop Ad Kh 2h, i check guy bets i raise he calls, Turn 9c i bet pot $10 he thinks and calls, putting him on serious flush or straight draw, river comes 7d i check, he thinks about it and i was sure he was gonna check behind me but he puts a bet of $5 in i instantly raise to $12 and he calls and mucks in the same instant! Nice!!!
Second hand was 55 only 3 players at table so i raise to $3 guy calls with KJ flop comes 3 5 3 hmmmmm 2nd nuts anyone!!, he bets a dollar i dwell up and call, turn comes J he checks im praying hes hit somthing bet $2 he instant raises to $5 i call, river K i check again he bets $10 i raise to $25 he calls and mucks again, that will teach him for calling me a useless tard 2 hands before
Got tired so logged off and cashed out $100 nice $60 profit cant grumble
Monday, 1 October 2007
Awful Nite
Sunday, 30 September 2007
Finally A Change in Fortunes?
Played a few hands Saturday night been mainly playing 25c 50c PLO on Betfair.
Built up a nice stack to around $100 after sitting down with $25 took a couple of hits for a few medium pots but then a few players left the table and everything seemed to change, i was flopping FHs, Sets and flushes, didnt realise at the time but it was 5am by the time i went to bed logged off with $240, or so i thought i saw a space on a table abit higher with players i had seen before that i knew werent very good, then this hand played out.
Sat down with $50
Had As Ks 5h 6h playing 50c $1 PLO a couple of raises 4 callers to the flop, 2s 3s 4h, i check my straight and nut flush draw, it goes bet, raise ,re raise and gets back to me, i push there and then as does first bet and raiser and re raiser 4 players all in, one has straight same as me, two others have poor flush draws and thats it, i thought these people were crap but not this crap, i was praying for a spade to quadruple up but nope one never showed, think it came 8d Kclubs.
So was a nice split anyways which wasnt too bad, so with that i finally logged off for the night around 6am.
Played a little today got sucked out on a couple of times put me on a little tilt, had to reload once playing 25c 50c PLO theres a bet and a raise i had K10s KAd i call, Flop comes Q J 8 rainbow, goes bet raise so i instantly slam all in bad play i know on nothing but a draw but im on tilt at this point, he types in chat box he has JJJ so he calls, turn comes Ah and river 2s timely double up, Nice to get some luck going my way for once!
Decided to call it a night, will start out again tommorow when my rake back comes in and will start the $10 - $1000 although it will be more like $80 - $1000
Built up a nice stack to around $100 after sitting down with $25 took a couple of hits for a few medium pots but then a few players left the table and everything seemed to change, i was flopping FHs, Sets and flushes, didnt realise at the time but it was 5am by the time i went to bed logged off with $240, or so i thought i saw a space on a table abit higher with players i had seen before that i knew werent very good, then this hand played out.
Sat down with $50
Had As Ks 5h 6h playing 50c $1 PLO a couple of raises 4 callers to the flop, 2s 3s 4h, i check my straight and nut flush draw, it goes bet, raise ,re raise and gets back to me, i push there and then as does first bet and raiser and re raiser 4 players all in, one has straight same as me, two others have poor flush draws and thats it, i thought these people were crap but not this crap, i was praying for a spade to quadruple up but nope one never showed, think it came 8d Kclubs.
So was a nice split anyways which wasnt too bad, so with that i finally logged off for the night around 6am.
Played a little today got sucked out on a couple of times put me on a little tilt, had to reload once playing 25c 50c PLO theres a bet and a raise i had K10s KAd i call, Flop comes Q J 8 rainbow, goes bet raise so i instantly slam all in bad play i know on nothing but a draw but im on tilt at this point, he types in chat box he has JJJ so he calls, turn comes Ah and river 2s timely double up, Nice to get some luck going my way for once!
Decided to call it a night, will start out again tommorow when my rake back comes in and will start the $10 - $1000 although it will be more like $80 - $1000
Friday, 28 September 2007
MKD The New SLPT Champion
After 4 weeks of struggle heart ache and bad beats the SLPT was finally decided with the inevitable winner being Mike "The River Runs Through it" Dennan.
WP Young Dennan
WP Young Dennan
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Rileys poker tournment £10 freezeout, I was second chip leader going into final table down to last five i hadnt played a hand on the final table it went fold fold fold fold fold fold, u get the picture.
I look down middle position AQ person infront folds blinds 1200, 2400.i have a stack of 22,000ish I raise to 6k get one caller everyone else folds, Flop comes A Q 7 rainbow, i think bet? check? so no i push all in, he thinks about it for a while and callsleaving him with 3k he turns over A9hearts, turn comes 6h and suprise suprise river 8h what a joke!
I was fcking fuming to say the least! he holds out his hand and says the fooking retarded old line of "sorry mate" with a big smile on his face laughing his tits off, as i walk awayhaving not said anything to him and took my beat as thats poker i over hear him saying "i played that well!" so i promptly told him to get fcked and walked out.
Please leave your comments below
Rileys poker tournment £10 freezeout, I was second chip leader going into final table down to last five i hadnt played a hand on the final table it went fold fold fold fold fold fold, u get the picture.
I look down middle position AQ person infront folds blinds 1200, 2400.i have a stack of 22,000ish I raise to 6k get one caller everyone else folds, Flop comes A Q 7 rainbow, i think bet? check? so no i push all in, he thinks about it for a while and callsleaving him with 3k he turns over A9hearts, turn comes 6h and suprise suprise river 8h what a joke!
I was fcking fuming to say the least! he holds out his hand and says the fooking retarded old line of "sorry mate" with a big smile on his face laughing his tits off, as i walk awayhaving not said anything to him and took my beat as thats poker i over hear him saying "i played that well!" so i promptly told him to get fcked and walked out.
Please leave your comments below
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
First Stage on Hold
Well didnt see that one coming, had an awful night at the tables everything that could go wrong did, draws, had higher pocket pairs beaten by lower pairs, was an awful night, was playing some tool heads up, he raises $3 to my BB i look down at KK so i instantly slam all in he calls in an instant i think sh$t AA but he turns over 33 i think awsome so far infront only for the retard to hit one of the only two 3 left in the deck on the river for $100 pot,
So i reload and double back up off him straight my AK vs his A2 i mean ive seen some awful retarded fish in my time but this guy was a pure joke he really was, he would be with nothing and check the nuts everytime, i mean Stevie Wonder would play better poker than this chump.
So anyways back to the poker, played a few more hands got my balance back upto somewhere near where it was, and as we have stuff to buy and pay for this month i took the unheard of step of cashing out all my money so i cashed off £150, not quite the $1000 but its still an improvement on the initial $20 i put on Betfair.
So will probably try this again at some other point this month but for the minute its been put on hold.
So i reload and double back up off him straight my AK vs his A2 i mean ive seen some awful retarded fish in my time but this guy was a pure joke he really was, he would be with nothing and check the nuts everytime, i mean Stevie Wonder would play better poker than this chump.
So anyways back to the poker, played a few more hands got my balance back upto somewhere near where it was, and as we have stuff to buy and pay for this month i took the unheard of step of cashing out all my money so i cashed off £150, not quite the $1000 but its still an improvement on the initial $20 i put on Betfair.
So will probably try this again at some other point this month but for the minute its been put on hold.
Some of you may not know but there is a massive tourny going on in Surrendalink Towers, with the early lead been taken by Mike "The River" Dennan, Today saw a turn in fortunes for this future Wpt champion as he was early short stacked, and limped out in 4th.
Other happenings on this day were somewhat underhand, as yours truly forgot his dinner, had to nip to the shop by the time i returned the cards had been dealt and i was subsequently told i had folded QQ against a raise with 10 10. Very Shady!
Other retirements saw Paul knocked out first, with Dennan not far behind, a some what questionable call knocked Dangerous Dan out in 3rd, leaving Myself and SC HU. After a few pushes the chips moved back and forth, most notably my 77 vs Q10 him spiking a Q, but joy was soon to follow as when pushing with 6 4 he was called by AJ and managed to salvage a 6 on the flop with Mr Craig not improving.
The result was inevitable with Craig`s A8 against a weak 64 suited winning out.
This result does however open the table up again as you can see from the next post
Monday, 24 September 2007
2nd Night. Very Eventful
Well where do i start?, a very eventful night to say the least, started out one of the sickest to be fair.
Playing omaha 25c 50c, had KKQA bet the pot, flopped top set on K 2 8 board again bet the pot, one heart on the board, turn comes 4h i also have Kh Qh in my hand, so again i bet pot pot is around $50 now, with one caller all the way, he decides to push on the turn with A668 had Ah 6h and hits 3h hits on river, now this was bad enough but at the same time i flopped top two pair playing Hold em on my other table only to get called by 22 all in for $40 for him to spike a 2 on the river.
Now thats bad enough but a few hands later the very same omaha hand happens again i hit top set and 2nd nut flush only for him to push on flop with A high flush draw and again hits it on river.
So again reload very next hand decide to see just bet no matter what came, had AAJK bet the pot someone raises another pushes all in i decide to call so does other, turns they both had the same hands and are both looking for heart draws, KQ102 i think.. anyways needless to say my luck changed and managed to triple up and win a $120ish dollar pot.
So not a bad end to an eventful night!
Current Balance is $315.71
Playing omaha 25c 50c, had KKQA bet the pot, flopped top set on K 2 8 board again bet the pot, one heart on the board, turn comes 4h i also have Kh Qh in my hand, so again i bet pot pot is around $50 now, with one caller all the way, he decides to push on the turn with A668 had Ah 6h and hits 3h hits on river, now this was bad enough but at the same time i flopped top two pair playing Hold em on my other table only to get called by 22 all in for $40 for him to spike a 2 on the river.
Now thats bad enough but a few hands later the very same omaha hand happens again i hit top set and 2nd nut flush only for him to push on flop with A high flush draw and again hits it on river.
So again reload very next hand decide to see just bet no matter what came, had AAJK bet the pot someone raises another pushes all in i decide to call so does other, turns they both had the same hands and are both looking for heart draws, KQ102 i think.. anyways needless to say my luck changed and managed to triple up and win a $120ish dollar pot.
So not a bad end to an eventful night!
Current Balance is $315.71
Sunday, 23 September 2007
First Post
Heres my first post on here, not too sure if its gonna be any good or just a load of crap but thought id give it a go.
Deposited $10 the other day and played a few hundered hands, had a nice run for a change, built my stack up to $50.
Was watching the tv saturday morning and the racing was on, so thought id have a tenner on Franky he romped home at 4 = 1 nice profit,
Played few more hands saturday night and got upto $180 before a sick fish calls with a sick outer vs AA and hits on the river i think it was 3 4 off with a board of 10 5 9 he bets i raise all in and he types hes miles behind in the chat box, i thought he was lying but turns out he was miles behind turn comes 3 river comes 4 and knocked me back down to $100.
Played a few hands today been playing mainly omaha and was again building a decent stack when someone again hits a sick outer, flop top 2 straight and flush draw, guy bets i raise he calls, turn gives him two pair he bets i raise he goes all in i call, and he trips up on the river talk about so many cards, he must have had under 10 outs if that!.
Ah well after some abuse i moved tables and played abit higher 25c 50c bad bankroll management i know first hand i hit nuts and double up to $50, a few more hands go by and feeling good had A1098 double suited, flop comes A 10 2 i bet he raises i think well i have top two and flush draw so i call all in he turns over AA and no help for me anywhere else.
playing a few more hands as i write this and have managed to double up a few times off a loose player currently playing with $150 on 25c 50c.
Current Balance = $243
Deposited $10 the other day and played a few hundered hands, had a nice run for a change, built my stack up to $50.
Was watching the tv saturday morning and the racing was on, so thought id have a tenner on Franky he romped home at 4 = 1 nice profit,
Played few more hands saturday night and got upto $180 before a sick fish calls with a sick outer vs AA and hits on the river i think it was 3 4 off with a board of 10 5 9 he bets i raise all in and he types hes miles behind in the chat box, i thought he was lying but turns out he was miles behind turn comes 3 river comes 4 and knocked me back down to $100.
Played a few hands today been playing mainly omaha and was again building a decent stack when someone again hits a sick outer, flop top 2 straight and flush draw, guy bets i raise he calls, turn gives him two pair he bets i raise he goes all in i call, and he trips up on the river talk about so many cards, he must have had under 10 outs if that!.
Ah well after some abuse i moved tables and played abit higher 25c 50c bad bankroll management i know first hand i hit nuts and double up to $50, a few more hands go by and feeling good had A1098 double suited, flop comes A 10 2 i bet he raises i think well i have top two and flush draw so i call all in he turns over AA and no help for me anywhere else.
playing a few more hands as i write this and have managed to double up a few times off a loose player currently playing with $150 on 25c 50c.
Current Balance = $243
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